An important DC initiative is underway to improve the availability, speed, and quality of health information needed to perform seamless transitions of care. Since the initial recommendation in the Mayor’s Report on Healthcare Systems and Transformation in 2019, the DC HIE Policy Board and key stakeholders have engaged with a Technical Expert Panel (TEP) on DC HIE Services, developing a framework for key data elements to be collected in a timely manner upon discharge.
The DC Hospital Association and CRISP DC are now collaborating with 13 member hospitals to ensure these key elements such as admit reasons, discharge diagnoses, discharge summaries, and more are all received within 48 hours of discharge, and as quickly as 15 minutes. Ten of the member hospitals have already developed an integration to share the majority of the requested information with another in motion.
Additional data connections are actively being built to receive the remaining transitions of care elements as well as other important information such as cancer screening reports and images with many more expected this year. In conjunction with the newly released event notification system, Population Explorer, CRISP DC is excited to continue our work towards reducing the challenges of care transitions and expediting quality care delivery through intelligent alerts to get the right health information to the right place at the right time.
For more information or support, please reach out to Corey Main at