Provider Directory

The DC Provider Directory aims to connect practitioners and organizations locally and nationally by seamlessly sharing their contact and location information. This tool aims to enhance patient care coordination and ensure smooth transitions of care.

The CRISP DC Provider Directory is a free application available through the CRISP DC Portal at The CRISP DC Provider Directory provides data from 650 data sources, which includes over 6 million providers nationally, 46,700+ DC Practitioners, and 16,100+ DC Prescribers. DC health care organizations like DC hospitals, DC MCOs, and community providers regularly contribute up to date provider data.

In the CRISP DC Provider Directory, you can search for up-to-date information on practitioners, prescribers, mental health providers, behavioral health providers, substance use providers, and organizations. This information can be used to contact a patient’s care team, refer patients to a specialist, support case management, and relieve provider data maintenance.


“CRISP is very helpful with reviewing the medical footprint of the patient. Some of the older adult patients, especially those with cognitive impairment, are not good historians or their medical issue does not allow the ability to answer questions. [This] is one of the tools utilized to fill in the gaps when formulating the care plan. That care plan could include discharge home.” – Stacie Walker, Geriatric Nurse Navigator at the George Washington University Hospital Emergency Department

“I use the Directory to help patients who recently had a physical or dental cleaning, but do not have a primary care doctor. Some of the patients do not drive, so the Provider Directory is helpful in finding a provider or dentist within their zip code. Most, if not all, of my team use the Provider Directory in their workflow.” – Rukiya Rogers, Outreach Coordinator at Medstar Family Choice

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Provider Directory Overview

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