CRISP DC is a Health Data Utility

The CRISP DC portal is a free tool available to healthcare providers and delegated staff. As clinical and social needs information is created and shared with CRISP, it is made accessible in real time to participating care providers through the CRISP portal. The portal gives providers the ability to securely look up patient information through the internet and view data from multiple organizations consolidated into one platform.

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Tools & Services

Patient Care Snapshot
Health Records
CEND & Population Explorer
InContext App
Image Exchange
Care Management
PopHealth Analytics
Provider Directory
Social Needs
Advance Care Planning
Consent Tool

The HIE Supports the Coordination of Care

Patient History and Clinical Information

Healthcare providers will share information about you through CRISP that they believe is important for your other healthcare providers to know about. CRISP may have access to Health Records from your doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies that you have visited. Among other things, providers may share your test results, radiology images, or notes about your care.

Reconciling patient history

A provider is seeing a patient in the Emergency Department, and is trying to understand the patient’s complex medical history and recent tests and procedures.

Care Coordination During Inpatient or Sub-Acute Encounter

Practice staff wants to help coordinate care while their patient is hospitalized or at a sub-acute treatment facility. This could include providing support or information to hospital/facility staff, and potentially avoiding hospital admission or reducing length of stay.

Transitional care management (post-discharge)

Practice staff can identify patients who have been discharged from hospital-based care. The physician can support her patients’ safe transitions from inpatient hospital settings.

Addressing potential gaps in patient care

A provider is responsible for ensuring that a patient completes preventive health screenings, and may need documentation of these screenings for quality measurements. They need to distinguish between patients who are out of compliance and those who may have completed screenings for which the provider has not received results.

Test Follow Up

A provider has ordered a test or procedure and would like to follow up on its results.

Vaccine Tracker

The vaccine tracker is a powerful tool that provides visibility on a patient’s vaccine status. It is a CRISP Reporting Services (CRS) tool that has the ability to sort by age, race, ethnicity, medical conditions to facilitate process and equitable outreach. The tool uses Medicare attribution and the vaccination data is updated daily from ImmuNet (IIS). It allows for user-editable status to track outreach results. The tracker also provides summary reports so practices can track patient vaccination status over time and compare by demographic fields.

Pre-visit planning

In an outpatient setting, a staff member or clinician is preparing for a patient encounter and trying to understand the patient’s complex medical history and recent tests and procedures.

Care Coordination During Inpatient or Sub-Acute Encounter

Practice staff wants to help coordinate care while their patient is hospitalized or at a sub-acute treatment facility. This could include providing support or information to hospital/facility staff, and potentially avoiding hospital admission or reducing length of stay.

Transitional care management (post-discharge)

Practice staff can identify patients who have been discharged from hospital-based care. The physician can support her patients’ safe transitions from inpatient hospital settings.

If available, a payor can submit a risk score to CRISP. It will display in the portal with an explanation of the score and the name of the submitting organization.

Demonstrating value of intervention

Access to DC CRS Pay for Performance (P4P) reports, generated by our partner vendor hMetrix using Medicaid Claim data, for the organizations Medicaid-attributed patients through CRISP ULP.

Identifying high and rising risk patients

A practice administrator would like to identify high and rising risk patients, and provide patients with adequate support, education, appointments, and services to prevent a decline in health.

Care Coordination During Inpatient or Sub-Acute Encounter

Practice staff wants to help coordinate care while their patient is hospitalized or at a sub-acute treatment facility. This could include providing support or information to hospital/facility staff, and potentially avoiding hospital admission or reducing length of stay.

Transitional care management (post-discharge)

Practice staff can identify patients who have been discharged from hospital-based care. The physician can support her patients’ safe transitions from inpatient hospital settings.

Addressing potential gaps in patient care

A provider is responsible for ensuring that a patient completes preventive health screenings, and may need documentation of these screenings for quality measurements. They need to distinguish between patients who are out of compliance and those who may have completed screenings for which the provider has not received results.

Test Follow Up

A provider has ordered a test or procedure and would like to follow up on its results

Pre-visit planning

In an outpatient setting, a staff member or clinician is preparing for a patient encounter, and trying to understand the patient’s complex medical history and recent tests and procedures.

Users alerts for ambulance-based encounters

ENS alerts are available in real-time as a patient is treated by EMS. Lately, this collaboration also helped providing alerts to Fire and EMS on patients who tested positive for COVID-19 prior and post the ambulance encounter. The result of the EMS encounter is available in both Health Records and ENS, in the “Disposition” field and reports can be found under the label of “DC Ambulance Encounter”. Key details include medications administered, procedures, exams, primary & secondary impressions, patient disposition and patient care narrative.

Data Sources

  • All D.C. acute care hospitals
  • All Maryland acute care hospitals
  • All Delaware acute care hospitals (in partnership with DHIN)
  • 17 Northern Virginia acute care hospitals (in partnership with ConnectVA)
  • Most West Virginia acute care hospitals

CRISP DC is receiving clinical data from over 250 ambulatory practices in the District. CRISP DC through its’ shared platform also receives ambulatory data from Maryland and West Virginia sources.

As the designated HIE by the Department of Healthcare Finance, CRISP DC receives all District Medicaid data.

CRISP DC partners with many District Agencies to receive relevant clinical information. Some District partners include:

  • DC Health
  • Department of Energy and Environment
  • Fire and EMS
  • DC Public School System
  • Department of Behavioral Health
  • Child and Family Services
  • Department of Corrections
  • Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

CRISP is a Regional Health Information Exchange (HIE) serving Maryland, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. It is the District-Designated HIE in the District of Columbia and the State-Designated HIE in Maryland. Through this shared services model, patient data is accessible to providers with care team relationships for patients who cross state lines. Delaware is a state partner which has an agreement to share data for patients through CRISP.

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to Improve Health

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